Monday, November 21, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Bloody Beet Root, Apple & Kale Salad

baked garden kale spiced with paprika, sea salt & pepper, cayenne, thyme & grapeseed oil
For those of you who love beets as much as I think you do, check out Tom Robbins' novel Jitterbug Perfume!
Occupation Meditation Invitation for Nov17 Mass Day of Action

WHAT: MEDITATION SIT-IN FOR PEACE: in support of those affected by occupations being raided/evicted, specifically the recent events of attack upon Occupy London ON, Occupy Wall St. and beyond.
WHEN: THURSDAY NOVEMBER 17th. Feel free to drop by anytime between 5 and 6PM! Afterwards there is a scheduled General Assembly for 6pm.
HOW: circle in a peaceful demonstration of solidarity. send strong positive vibrations of peace and support to stop human rights violations and to help heal those affected immediately via invisible yet powerful energy!
WHY: Since November 17th is the two month OWS anniversary and INTERNATIONAL DAY OF MASS NON VIOLENT DIRECT ACTION , let us gather together to honour the power of peaceful frequencies to send them exactly where they are most needed. Please spread the word about this and any other plans being put together for this monumental day.

Sunday, November 6, 2011
Fracking Workshop at Occupy London

What is fracking?
- process of extracting natural gas from shale rock formations deep underground
-drilling method that injects water and chemicals into our ground water supply
-Energy Medicine for Women by Donna Eden
hydraulic fracturing i.e.“fracking”
= contaminates groundwater
= threatens drinking water
= depletes water resources
= poses serious health risks
=compromises world wide water security for corporate profits
= is currently unmonitored and unregulated
= endangers 1/5 of the world’s fresh surface water; THE GREAT LAKES, which we (especially as the people of Southern Ontario) have an international responsibility to enjoy and protect
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
FNB Occupation Soup: Creamy Vegan Pumpkin!

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Have you ever heard of Food Not Bombs? Below is a copy of a letter of appeal to food outlets that may be able to make donations. Please distribute to people and places that you think could contribute to feeding the occupiers in Victoria Park, London, Ontario.
To Who it May Concern,
We are writing to you on behalf of the London Food Not Bombs (FNB). FNB is a non-profit transnational group that strives to provide free vegan and/or vegetarian meals for community members. The mission of FNB is to address the growing issues of hunger, poverty, homelessness, and sustainability within our community. The London FNB chapter has been active for over six years and serves a hot meal on the last Sunday of each month in rotating locations. On occasion FNB will also serve for larger community-run events. As FNB is a non-profit initiative we run solely off of community volunteers, donations, and our community garden. We are looking to build a relationship with you in order to sustain this wonderful initiative. With this, if you were able to donate any resources to FNB it would be greatly appreciated by all of the individuals who run FNB, as well as the people who it serves. Food wastage is very prevalent in our society and FNB would gladly accept donations that would otherwise be disposed of after your business closes for the evening. We do pick ups for food donations typically on Saturdays, but other arrangements can be made. All donations are joyously welcomed.FNB is an image of community members caring for community members.
Thank you for your time,
There are several things we need to address and several tasks to issue to people who are available and willing to volunteer:-donations-collections-who we are getting donations from I suggest we talk to individuals, the markets around town, farmers, grocery stores, religious organizations, social organizations to donate (I understand many people are at conflict with religion but they have a lot of money generally speaking and should be willing to support us with food, we are all in this together)-cooking, where can we do this-pots, pans, resources for feeding and distributing-water supply-if reusable washing stations, this will be hard first off-what time-how frequent-number of people we will be feeding-getting gloves and serving people to keep sanitation to a max-trying to get a person who has a permit for cooking (if it's even applicable in a park)REMEMBER FNB IS VEGETARIAN AND OR VEGAN ALL MEAT DONATIONS WILL NEED TO BE SPECIFIED AND SEPARATED Ideally it would be great to have ingredient lists for all prepared food
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." -Thomas Jefferson
"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -Benito Mussolini
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Upcoming Anti-Fracking Workshop: Wed Oct. 19th - EVAC - 6pm

“As conventional natural gas supplies diminish, energy corporations are looking for new ways to get at trapped reserves. Hydraulic fracturing – more commonly known as ‘fracking’ – is a process where sand, water and chemicals are blasted into rock formations such as shale, coal beds and ‘tight’ sands to gain access to trapped natural gas deposits. This injection process creates cracks in the rock formations and allows the gas to flow up the well.” This shale gas extraction is a problem because of “its high carbon emissions, its high water use, and the dangers it poses to polluting groundwater and local drinking water. People living in communities where fracking projects are underway have reported water pollution, ‘burning water,’ where water from household taps catches fire due to residual methane gas from fracking operations, and health concerns.”- The Council of Canadians
Tap water for drinking is ignited in a residential home as a result of hydro fracking (above) as depicted in the 2010 award winning documentary on fracking the U.S. called Gasland by American filmmaker Josh Fox.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Eco Zine to Celebrate & Protect Clean Water

Saturday, September 24, 2011
kale chips part of autumnal equinox feast!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Reclaim The Streets in London - Sept 17th & 18th!
"Our Street London acts as a catalyst to help the people of London envision a sustainable future for our community. Through a collaborative relationship with community members, local and provincial governments, business owners, and non‐profit groups we work to inspire a united vision of London in which people‐based street and urban design are at the forefront of our future."
"To promote the equality of all street users including pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, and motorists of all ages and abilities in order to maximize our city's economic and cultural potential by fostering a safe, healthy, and environmentally sustainable community.
Walking, cycling and taking public transit benefits our environment, our health and our community: and it all takes place on our street. Car Free Sunday strives to encourage a city that is strong, vibrant and full of healthy people and happy communities. "
"The most effective way to address global climate change is through local action. In London, the greatest local source of greenhouse gas emissions is personal vehicle use. Beyond climate change, automobiles also represent a significant contribution to air quality issues effecting our health and quality of life. Getting more Londoners to walk, bicycle, and take public transit is an important step toward local environmental health and global environmental sustainability.
Prioritizing pedestrians and bicycles in the transportation network creates a more aesthetically pleasing urban environment for everyone. Planters that act as buffers between walkers and speeding cars add much needed beauty to a city landscape. People‐based street design also helps to reduce noise pollution, further improving the urban environment and quality of life."
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Whole Lotta Vegan Protien Shakin Goin On...
Thursday, August 4, 2011
5 Easy Steps: Lower Your Eco Footprint!
1. Urban Garden
Urban gardening is largely about using the space you have to create a highly sustainable turnout with limited resources. While supporting a food justice ethic, it also aesthetically beautifies the community while bringing people together!
-volunteer at community garden. Check out the London Community Resource Centre for locations, how to get involved and tips for your own plot!
-plant a front yard urban garden - it’s easier than you think! Our veggies have already started to grow! Such a raw green space puts smiles on passers-by. Check out my blog Eco Veg Footprint for photos and suggestions! If you have limited space, use as many planters possible and think vertical gardening!
2. Compost
The composting process is a regenerative one! Watch nature’s cycle of decay and rebirth as new healthy soil emerges.
-year round way to make kitchen waste sustainable
-cuts down drastically on the amount of household garbage!
-creates nutrient rich soil that can be used in planters and in the garden
-if you cant make use of what is regenerated, chances are there is someone close by who can make use of your dirty deeds!
-see Thames Region Ecological Assoc (TREA) for composting advice!
3. Water Ways
Need Less, Use Less!
-shower less! It is entirely UNsustainable for an individual to take a shower daily…can you imagine how much water would be used up in everyone in the world stood under a showerhead everyday?
-remember fun folk trio Sharon, Lois and Bram? Take their advice: turn the water off when your brushing your teeth!
-yes its easier to let the kitchen sink run through the course of a dish washing session! It may even be a soothing comfort we are used to - hearing the sound of running water during this chore. Fill up the sink half way, breath deeply and wash in the silence
-put a bucket in the shower with you, see how much collects that is usually wasted! This can be used afterwards for any purpose.
4. Ride Your Bike!
Take Back The Streets
-practice safety rules of the road such as wearing a helmet and signalling to traffic
-ride in the lanes and become a road vehicle! Take back the streets and foster sharing transportation space
-Save money and the air from being polluted! Oil is not sustainable. Public or independent transit is the sustainable way to go - and don’t forget about those feet!
5. Swap Meet!
Gather with friends and family to exchange unwanted items! Since our healthy survival depends on reducing and eliminating consumer habits, get a whole new wardrobe without having to spend a cent. A fun way to do this is to gather at someone’s place and make a big pile of your old stuff! With five to fifteen people, diving into a giant mound of things that are new to you is fun and environmentally friendly. Don’t limit exchanges to clothing, bring along anything you don’t use - someone else will! Walking away with a bunch of new stuff for free. Sounds good doesn’t it? Don’t forget to donate the rest to one of the many formidable charity organizations in London.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Organic Urban Garden Photos!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Vegan Dinner Delight
3-4 carrots sliced into sticks/fries
1-2 garlic clove(s), minced
rosemary, thyme, pepper to season
pan roast in oil at 300 degrees
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Lady Fest London EVAC Launch!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Max Stretch: Sustainable Fest Success

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Grickle Grass Sustainability Festival 2011

From 10am to 5pm children and their caretakers will be able to take part in a variety of special workshops and activities. There will be bike workshops, magic, drama and yoga. Live entertainment will include Marty Kolls and her Kids’ Dance Party and Traditional Inuit throat singing with Jessica Athlueetuk. Kids will also be able to take part in the planting of the Museum’s Grickle Grass Vegetable Garden.
In the evening kids at heart will have the exclusive chance to listen to live music and explore in the rooms and corridors of their cherished childhood memories with a fully licensed music festival.
“The sounds of the evening are new and progressive with a local flare,” says Savanah Sewell, Director of Programming for The Grickle Grass Festival. “We are bringing in people from across the musical communities. You will hear everything from hip hop to instrumental. We can also expect a lot of multimedia projects with sound installations to projections.”
We have a plethora of artists whose sweet sounds will be filling every nook and cranny of The Children’s Museum. Elfin Saddle is joining us from Montreal bringing their brand of acoustic folk and also will be screening their film WURLD charting the entire rise and fall of a civilization.
From Toronto we welcome D-Sisive. Indie hip-hop artist, D-Sisive is taking break a from his tour with Shad to join us at The Grickle Grass Festival.
Polydactyl Hearts hails from Guelph and are and eight piece multimedia collective that are known for their talents of intersecting sight and sound.
The evening will include an array of local talent, including Olenka, of Olenka and The Autumn Lovers. Olenka mingles a strong Eastern European influence with element of North American country and folk music to create unforgettable melodies.
The Grickle Grass Festival will also play host to: DJThor (Windsor), Motem (Guelph), Wild Domestic (LND), Lonnie in the Garden (LND), Dave Ussleman (LND).
Steam Whistle Brewing has come aboard as the official beer sponsors of the evening. Their local and green mind-set makes the brewers a perfect partner for The Grickle Grass Festival. Drinks will be served in compostable cup made of corn to meet our goal of a waste free event.
Do not miss this exciting and innovative event in support of The London Children’s Museum and Growing Chefs Ontario on May 28. As a wise man once said, “Unless someone like you care a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.”
The Grickle Grass Festival: Saturday May 28, 2011Day: 10am to 5pm – regular museum admissionEvening: 8pm to 1am – tickets $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Evening is a 19+ concert.
If you are interested in media accreditation for May 28 please contact Deanne Kondrat by Thursday May 26 at 5pm. Phone: 519.691.5430 Email:
More information can be found at
Monday, May 23, 2011
Maximum Joy

Saturday, May 7, 2011
Handmade Festival Sat. May 7th 2011!!/handmadefest
Bezanson Dezigns and I will be showcasing DIY recycled eco art! While you are on the journey of supporting local creative efforts, on't forget to stop by The Metropolitan Market aswell as Heroes for Free Comic Book Day!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Met Opening Photos!

The Metropolitan Market opening weekend was a huge success! A constant flow of support and intrigue, leaving all with an uplifted and refreshed perspective of London, Ontario and its creative arts core. It was a pleasure talking with community members and fellow art vendors - my vending partner and friend Michelle Bezanson of Bezanson Dezigns and I spent the exhilerating days in awe of the diversity of art mediums and forms of expression. Thanks 379 Collective for all the hard work! It was an additional pleasure getting to share the space with the likes of City Lights Bookshop and Alchemy Recycling & Trade Co. to name a few! You can catch our table again next weekend except the difference is we will be featuring recycled DIY art of various forms at The Handmade Festival! See you next Saturday at the Central London Public Library - and don't forget to stop into The Met for a day of local creations!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Artisan's Market: The Met opens in London, ON April 30th!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
its EASY being green (pancakes)!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Compost Fun, Literally!

Composting is basically a necessary action, whether situated in an urban or rural location. Since it does not include animal products and byproducts being broken down, there should not be significant trouble with critters wanting their share. A few select items are alright like eggshells but dairy and meat products are a no-no as they throw off the most ideal soil nutrient content and composting process. Animal feces (i.e. from your pets or farm animals) are of course great fertiizer but from what I understand are best to keep separately from your decomposing organic materials. Think about where this eventually rich soil will end up - for many the answer is in the garden - in your piece of earth - in your produce - and in you!
-good drainage -medium sunlight exposure -close to kitchen -away from wind
-away from wooden structures as it causes rotting
The links below should provide you with what you need to know including a list of compost friendly materials! Get ready to fertilize and produce rich garden material the organic and sustainable way.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Recycled Art Projects at the Handmade Festival May 7th 2011 in London, ON
Eco-Veg Footprint will be at London's Handmade Festival along with Bezanson Dezign on Saturday May 7th! Come and see us along with other creative folk at London Central Public Library from 10am-4pm. This event is part of a program series offering various DIY workshops throughout the months of April and May. Experience personal creative ability and celebrate that of others in the main hall vendors area.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Flavourfull Roasted Squash Soup

You may need: oil, salt& pepper, carrots, parsnips, sweet potato, squash, leeks, garlic, ginger, zucchini, spices Begin by heating veggie broth on the stove. Great option is to add previously prepared wild rice! Spice with various to taste. Suggested: cayenne, paprika, rosemary, thyme, nutritional yeast (to get this vegan some B12!) Simultaneously - Dice carrots, parsnips, sweet potato and squash into cubes/disks. Roast at 400 degrees and drizzle with oil, salt & pepper. Cook for 10 minutes. Add garlic, chopped leeks and mushrooms and cook for another 10 minutes. Puree veggies with veg stock and water as needed for consistency. I just used a little smoothie blender! Add to broth mix, leaving mushrooms whole if preferred. Stew the soup until ingredients are well blended and desired heat and consistency is reached. Garnish with shredded zuchini and shredded ginger!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Vegan Poppyseed Dressing

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Carrot & Ginger Bean Salad

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Vegan Ceasar Dressing
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Spring Air Vegan Detox

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
100th International Womyns Day
Find out more about the day and what you can do to recognize it!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Eco Art! Mixed Media Postcards (to be featured at upcoming London Indie Media Fair!)

A friend of mine is graphic designer, can ya tell!? This is some of the stuff - postcard collage art, cut and pasted into the night! We stayed up until dawn riding the wave of a serious art attack. Ill bring our creations to the 6th Annual London Indie Media Fair this upcoming Saturday March 26 from 11am-4pm!
London Indie Media Fair on Saturday, March 26!