Saturday, November 21, 2009
Banana Avocado Toast with Cilantro
Whole Wheat Toast topped with:
Avocado slices
Banana slices
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Green Guide for an Eco-Education
David Suzuki's Green Guide is a publication that I am passionate about and consider worth recommending to anyone. To refresh from a previous post, the book addresses the Ecological Footprint which measures human impact upon the environment; how much space or productive land is needed to support an individual's lifestyle. The larger the footprint the more impact the individual has on the Earth. Embedded in this concept is how we all impact each other and everything by every choice we make, conscious of it or not. This is really at the heart of thinking of the ecological footprint simply as the consequences of our actions on the environment.

According to the Canadian Suzuki, one of the most environmentally sensible ways you can cut down on your ecological footprint is by being aware of what you eat. He goes into depth about them in Chapter 3 of his Green Guide which contain facts like “the amount of grain fed to livestock in the U.S. could feed about 840 million people on a plant-based diet". This book teaches that "eating is an agricultural act, a biological act, a social act, an economic act, and a political act. With every meal you can vote for the food system that you would like to see". In not shying away from social and political contexts, this text becomes an opportunity to open up minds to the realization that you have the power to directly influence the demand for eco-minded thought and action.

This publication is also a direct connection to the David Suzuki Nature Challenges which are available in the text, online, and are a fun and easy way to incorporate environmental issues into the classroom. Alternatively, a student or teacher reading this book may choose to implement an organized Nature Challenge group that participates in learning about, practicing and teaching others about ecological footprint reducing factors and information. David Suzuki’s Nature Challenge teacher guide is also available and contains 20 lessons that focus on our interconnectedness with nature!
This is an excellent read because it is not just a “how to” or a boring guilt-ridden summary of how one is personally killing the earth. Instead it is a comprehensive look into the current ecological conditions and how it is of our best interest as individuals and as a group to be invested in the thought-provoking information and wisdom that the text provides.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Modern Menstruation
When my friend was asking me about my experiences using this environmentally friendly alternative to pads and tampons, I initially had mixed feelings. Like anything, it takes a while to get used to so about after 3 months of use I am finding it alot easier to use. So if you are not a

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Ginger Matcha Smoothie and Inari Obsession

-1 ripe banana
-1/8 cup of water
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Curry Dip and the Coriando/Cilantro Quandry...
In a blender:
Curry powder
Another living in residence miracle as I make a vegan curry dip! I used a very small and simple blender to mix all of the ingredients - it has some kick and is now chilling in a jar in the fridge! I used an independant company's curry mix but I would normally just use curry powder itself and add all everything else in such as onions, cumin and any other spices to taste such as coriander/cilantro. Actually my friend Jessie and I stumbled into the fact that those two spices are actually the same but just referred to as either depending on the region! Definetely one of my favourite spices. Ever had coriander naan bread? WOW - but I digress. Check out this easy dip that is vegan and extremely tasty. I am serving it with pesticide free mini field cucumbers that I bought at the Farmer's Market in downtown Kingston. It makes an appearance 3 times a week until Thanksgiving and I have been enjying it alot!

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Extremely Easy Vegan Dinner!
Rice Noodles
Rice Paper Wraps
Chunky Organic Unsweetened Peanut Butter
Whole Unsalted Peanuts
Soy Sauce
(that's right!)
Soak ripe paper wraps in room temperature water while noodles are boiling. A convenient way to do so is in a frying pan on the counter with the water inside it. Take out the wraps gently and let them dry briefly. Then once the noodles are finished you can make wraps with them and a previously mixed combination of soy sauce, peanut butter and peanuts!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
BON Appetit!: Julia Child's Vegan Ratatoullie
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
For The Love Of Chutney!
Add peaches, sugar, raisins and vinegar; bring to boil, stirring. Reduce heat to medium; simmer, uncovered and stirring often, until reduced to 8 cups (2 L) and thick enough to mound on spoon, 1 hour.
Pour into four 2-cup (500 mL) sterilized canning jars, leaving 1/2-inch (1 cm) headspace. Seal with prepared discs and clean bands. Process in boiling water canner for 10 minutes; transfer to rack to let cool. Store in cool dark place for up to 1 year.
Additional Information
Tip: Here's how to peel a large amount of peaches: with slotted spoon, lower a few peaches at a time into a pot of boiling water; blanch until skin starts to peel away, about 30 seconds. Submerge immediately in bowl of ice water until cool enough to handle; peel off skin.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Chutney & Cheese Toast
Monday, August 3, 2009

Japanese buckwheat noodles
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Veg Nachos
Well I've never been a big fan of ordering nachos in a restaurant and that's probably because they are usually smothered in ground beef, cheese and sour cream! This recipe turned out great so I finally found a solution in veg nachos.
Begin with spreading low sodium nacho chips on a pan and then lightly top with a mix of soy based vegetarian chili from PC (best canned veg chili ever!) and Yves Veggie Ground - the combination makes the mix more solid. Lightly and sporadically add one can of preferred salsa, previously drained so as to make these yummy and crunchy veg nachos instead of runny tomato juice veg
Add another layer of nachos and repeat. Add black beans and (soy or dairy) shredded cheese this time. Finally I garnished with chopped green onions from my garden. Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes and serve!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Asian Hybrid Stirfry
Tossing a veggie medley into a frying pan and lightly dusting with curry powder (Ten Thousand Villages fair-trade from Sri Lanka to be exact) is what I did first. The oil I added sporadically while frying is roasted garlic grapeseed oil. Instead of rice I chose to add Japanese buckwheat noodles as a base which can be boiled for 3 minutes
After the health feast my friend Craig and I tried to make a vegan cookie/quickbread recipe and it was a complete mess/flop! Pictured below is my post-stirfry success and pre-baking disaster smile. Not all of the recipes I make up or get from other blogs work out of course and those go un-posted! I encourage all to perservere on the veg cooking journey because we all make mistakes and wow is it worth it when you make something new, interesting and yummy to add to the recipe book. And a DIY apron makes any cooking experience better!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Windsor Indie Art & Eco Action
I also found this great link from a 2007 article but found it to be an informative and interesting take on Windsor's indie/artsy venues, including CJAM, and what they have to offer:
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A Garden Recipe Already!
These are the ingredients I used to make bruschetta - it is by no means a traditional recipe. I love reaping the benefits of DIY - I put on the apron I made as featured in a previous post and already got to use ingredients from my newly planted garden.
Red Onions
Basil Leaves
Oil (Roasted Garlic Grapeseed Oil for example!)
Mix these ingredients together and drizzle oil over top before stirring. I like to use scissors in cooking so I chopped everything up a little finer once it was in a bowl. Serve on top of sliced french bread! Add feta and/or rosemary sprigs to garnish if you are not looking for a strictly veg recipe or are feeling ambitious.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Plants and Plants and Plants and
GARDENING TIME! This may very well be the last garden I plant while living at home (as I am moving in the fall) - lots of great space with a little shade and mostly sunshine! It was a perfect day to plant - I got out there in the late afternoon when it was warm but with a mild cool breeze. Tonight I will give the entire thing a light mist. I love this time of year and this is one of the reasons why. Planting season gives us an opportunity to physically and spiritually reconnect with nature by initiating the phenomenon of its natural life cycles. As I mentioned in a post about preparing quinoa, the feeling of running my bare hands through soil, much like grain, is a humble and organic experience!
I also have some parsley, chives and dill already going with a few flowers here and there as well! As pictured right, the chives, perennial flowers and dill have spiraled a bit out of control! Below is a picture of my treasured herb garden.
Wish me luck - if you have any questions please ask and also look back to see summer veg recipes posted with the freshest ingredients of those listed above. If you know of any recipes that call for them then please do not hesitate to share them with me!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Spontaneous DIY
This is the stuff I made! I am a hand sewer and do not own or know how to use a sewing machine and still these projects were really easy. First I made a simple square apron for all of my veg cooking endeavours. Value Village is a fabric goldmine! Made a pouch purse for my friend too with the same material. Very fun and easy process which also makes a great gift. These were some spontaneous crafts as I am new to creating other than bags and purses. DIY really saves alot of money plus all of the time and various forms of energy that would have been otherwise spent in the process of shopping/buying/consuming.
Cut out two layers of fabric in the whichever shape you want your apron to be. Simply hand-stitch them together by looping the needle and thread around all the outside corners. Cut out additional squares if you want to sew on pockets in which obviously only three sides will need to be stitched. Use excess material to cut an approximately two 1 inch strips for the straps. I sewed these onto the sides and added a button over each.
Cut out a double layer fabric rectangle slightly larger than a standard piece of paper. The purse is going to fold like a letter. First fold up the bottom half and sew the sides together. Wen sewing the top of the bottom fold together, leave a space to act as the top of a pocket. Sew three sides down around wherever this opening is located. Fold down the top and cut the corners on an angle. Sew the sides of this together.
These are really basic and simple but I wanted to share the recent acceleration in my DIY initiatives! Get creative and use different coloured threads, patterns and accessories that look good together.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I-Actually-Made-Veganaise Post
1) Peel and slice yams or sweet potatoes. Put some muscle into it and use a good knife - be careful they can be a bit challenging to handle at times! Cut into desired length and width (pretty much the same size as a large french fry)
2) In a mixing bowl, add 1-2 Tablespoons of extra virgin sesame oil, 1 Teaspoon of Chili Powder and 1 Teaspoon of Cumin to the cut potatoes, distribute evenly over the batch and sprinkle with pepper
3) Spread out on cookie sheet and bake for half an hour at 425 degrees in the oven. I find it impossible to make them really crispy so be prepared for them to be on the soft side - this is how they are supposed to turn out when you make them yourself. So in my experience, if you want them to be crunchy then go to a restaurant where they have a deep fryer!!!
4) While these are cooking you can prepare the dipping sauce. The first ingredient is VEGANAISE: Put 1/2 cup of soy milk in a blender with 1/2 cup of canola oil. Add 1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, 1/2 Teaspoon of Dry Mustard Powder, 1 Teaspoon of salt1 small clove of finely minced garlic, freshly ground black pepper. I put in some chives too because I tend to put them in everything! Start with these ingredients and then add plain firm tofu until consistency is as thick as desired. BLEND AWAY
5) Combine veganaise with 3/4 of a fresh squeezed lemon juice, 1 pressed garlic clove, 1 Teaspoon of Paprika and 1 Teaspoon of Chili Powder. Serve on the side of fries.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Let's Have A Sushi Party!
Happy to say one of the goals of my summer has been fulfilled! The directions I followed to make sushi were helpful but fairly vague so I am glad I was given advice from the woman working at Enchie Mart! Rice vinegar must be added to the "sticky rice" (when unseasoned add sugar and sea salt). I definitely did not cook the rice properly because it ended up fairly mushy but it worked! Here are the other steps I followed:
First prepare and chop preferred veggies into long strips.
Slice the sushi roll with a sharp wet knife. Garnish with roasted sesame seeds on top and you have just made some form of sushi! We dipped ours in peanut sauce and soy sauce with wasabi (Japanese horseradish).
What I used to make sushi:
-rice vinegar
-sea salt
-seaweed papers
-orange pepper
-snap peas
Saturday, April 25, 2009
An Eco-Action Day
Later we made a trip to Ten Thousand Villages on the West end of Windsor. This non-profit fair trade organization has stores accross Canada. They operate on principles of fair trade offering a variety of handmade goods where the individuals who made them receive fair compensation for their labour. It always surprises me to find out how little people know about this wonderful place. I want everything in that store! It is always the perfect place for buying gifts aswell. The coffee there is absoultely my favourite to buy around here and you get a free cup of whatever delicious roast they have chosen for the day. I am almost finished a dark roast from Peru so I picked up another dark roast but this time chose to support Ethiopia. Ten Thousand Villages has a number of recycling initiatives. For example alot of the products come from recycled materials and you can also do things like bring back the bags you bought coffee beans in.

The Underlying Principles of Ten Thousand Villages:
At Ten Thousand Villages, we stand behind IFAT and have also added a few principles of our own:
- We honour the value of seeking to bring justice and hope to the poor.
- We trade with artisan groups who pay fair wages and demonstrate concern for their members’ welfare.
- We provide consistent purchases, advances and prompt final payments to artisans.
- We increase market share in North America for fairly traded handicrafts.
- We market quality products that are crafted by otherwise underemployed artisans.
- We build sustainable operations using a variety of sales channels, including a network of stores with a common identity.
- We choose handicrafts that reflect and reinforce rich cultural traditions, that are environmentally sensitive and which appeal to North American consumers.
- We encourage North American customers to learn about fair trade and to appreciate artisans’ cultural heritage and life circumstances with joy and respect.
- We use resources carefully and value volunteers who work in our North American operations.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Later on I tye-dyed some tshirts green with friends. The weather was "sunny-rain" as my friend Craig informed me is often the case in Vancouver. However around here it is a rare occasion! We were greeted with a lovely rainbow - possibly the biggest one we've ever seen. It was a cosmic earth day, nature was encouraging/awarding our eco consciousness with it's beauty.
How to Tye-Dye T-Shirts
-select a clear white tshirt, preferably mostly cotton
-put elastics all over it! Search the internet for specific patterns if you want one
-fill buckets or medium-large sized containers with hottest water available (fill as many seperate up as colours you have)
-empty each fabric dye powder package into each container and stir
-get your gloves on! this stuff stains
-place the tshirt in the colour you prefer or hold the portions you want dyed in each specific colour - get creative, even leave a bit white..
-the longer the tshirt stays in the colouring the darker it will be and remember that the dye on the tshirt actually looks darker when wet
-let the tshirts drip dry for a bit and then rinse them
-afterwards take off the elastics and hang to dry, washing by hand or on gentle cycle with other items that any excess dye has no danger of bleeding onto
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Eco Chewing Gum
What happens to Chicza once you spit it out? In other words, why is it biodegradable? Well Sustainability explains that Chicza is an eco-friendly chewing gum because it contains no petrochemicals like synthetic chewing gum which is why it doesn't stick to things and why in about 6 weeks it will completely discintigrate. Keep an eye out for this product in the future because it is not currently being sold in Canada or the U.S.

"Street cleaners in Britain may spend less time scraping gobs of chewing gum from the pavement after indigenous farmers from Mexico launch their own brand of natural gum harvested by hand in the rainforest.
A co-operative of over 50 Mayan communities in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, where Sapodilla trees have been tapped for their sticky latex since before the Spanish conquest, will start selling biodegradable chewing gum in British stores this month.
Unlike common chewing gum made of synthetic rubber, which can take years to break down, the cooperative's "Chicza" brand is made from chicle, a natural substance that degrades quickly, Jesus Manuel Aldrete, the co-operative's director, told Reuters.
"Chewing gum made from synthetic polymers sticks easily to asphalt because both contain similar components," Aldrete said. "Chicle is organic."
Ancestors of the Mayans making the gum near the Cancun beach resort munched on chicle to help their digestion and clean their teeth, said Aldrete.
Modern manufacturers originally used chicle to make gum but eventually switched to cheaper polymer ingredients.
Japanese and Korean companies still demand the natural chicle -- extracted from the trees by crisscrossing cuts into their bark in a method similar to rubber harvesting -- but the Mayans say the market for their product has shrunk dramatically since synthetic gums were invented.
Chicza is producing its gum in red fruit, orange and cinnamon flavors, and plans to launch first in London and later in other European countries."
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Southwest Veg Dip
Ingredients I used. Quantity depends on how much dip you want to make!
-refried beans
-red beans
-sour cream (low-fat)
-red sauce or salsa
-avocado (guacamole)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Power Pancakes
2 cups pancake mix
1 cup rice milk
1 egg (free run)
1/4 of a mango, sliced into thin strips of lovely mango mush
1 scoop of vanilla soy protien powder (a raw food tisc tisc)
1/2 tsp of matcha
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Meatless or Veggie?

Another question that I've been asked many times as a vegetarian is where to buy some decent veggie burgers. My recommendation is usually from PC's Blue Menu whose cartons are made from recycled and post-consumer materials. The 9-Vegetable Vegetarian Patty can be cooked in various ways including only three minutes in the microwave which I take advantage of my busy schedule. And its when I make this recommendation that the person asking specifies: "I want the one's that look and taste like real burgers!" Then I let them know that they are looking for what are not called veggie burgers but meatless burgers.
The difference is that veggie burgers taste like and are visibly made up of various vegetables which is most usually preferred by vegans and many vegetarians. Why eat simulated meat when you have lost the taste for it? Meatless soy-based options are definitely not raw food but they are still a popular choice. Meatless products try to mimic the look and taste of meat and veggie products do not. I sometimes eat both but I prefer veggie meat replacements over meatless meat replacements! This is especially true as of late with my raw food initiative! So if meatless burgers are what you prefer and are looking for the look and taste of authentic beef burgers then I recommend PC's World's Best Meatless Burgers.

Some Canadian companies offer meatless options and most are surprised to find out that almost all meat products can and are simulated, available in meatless form. President's Choice offers alot of options especially on their Blue Menu as linked above. PC is owned by the Canadian company Loblaws which actually has a green initiative, now offering such products as Green toilet paper, unbleached coffee filters and green cleaning products. Compliments which is owned by Sobeys also has quite a few choices as well. If you are wondering if someone has created a meatless replacement for one of your fave meat dishes then you are probably right. There is literally not one meat item that I can think of which has not been translated into a meatless alternative. The story is different with veggie choices however but if that is what you are looking for then the chances are you do not find meat simulation desirable. Hope this was able to clear up the veggie and meatless paradigm!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
What Is Eating Green Exactly?

You may have wondered "What do vegetarians eat anyway?". I know I've been asked that question enough times to realize that people are often curious. Others trying or attempting to make the switch to going veg are often left frustrated - variety in a veg diet does take effort but more so it just takes knowing what is available to you! I present to you a comprehensive window into my diet as a vegetarian in hopes of answering questions and generating ideas.
Theory behind being veg is about awareness but for me that also translates into keeping mental track of what I put into my body every day. This includes the terms of coordinating meals to ensure that I get nutrients from a variety of veg food groups which basically boil down to fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts, legumes and beans (including soy). In all of these categories are food sources that are not widely known or incorporated into mainstream Western diet - whatever that is! This includes amaranth and quinoa which was addressed in a previous post.
Starting off my day with a Green Smoothie allows for a morning protien source and fruit serving. I usually use a soy protien powder and soy or rice milk base then add what ever fruit I happen to have at the time (today it was mango). Then I add probiotic yogurt but I really have to go

So of course, veggies are a large part of a veg diet! Salads area great way to diversify a veg diet, despite the assumption that the opposite is true. It allows for an opportunity to add alot of protien and nutrients to your day. A dressing I like right now is soy based with organic ingredient which I purchased at Enchie Japanese Food Mart where I often shop. In terms of raw snacking I am really enjoying snow peas right now! My absoulte favourite is avocado (which is technically a fruit but I think of it as a vegetable lol). Be careful though because they contain a higher fat content. However this isn't often a problem because veg diets are most often low in fat and also because fat and protien sources in a veg diet are usually the "good fats" (including avocado). Avocado is a constant mainstay in my diet and I used it it many recipes. I put it in salads, green smoothies and the granola museli mix.

My Guac Recipe: Start with 2 whole avocados and get your hands dirty! Add fresh squeezed lemon juice. I use about 1/4 of a lemon but leave out this option if you are are concerned about

Monday, March 30, 2009
Raw foodism is a choice to eat whole foods that are unprocessed, unrefined and in their original and natural form. You may have guessed that this is a vegan or at least a vegetarian lifestyle choice since one can't really mow down on uncooked meat! So yes, by raw food I mean chomping on a celery stick or biting into a tomato. Though having its own health and eco-minded culture, raw menus are as diverse and elaborate as you can imagine!
I knew about and was intrigued as a vegetarian with the raw diet craze that had erupted out West, the most so in California from what I understand. But not anything about the hows or exactly whys. I visited these sites and found out alot of unbelieveable information. It always amazes me how little so many people know about how food choices affect our lives and lifestyles! I'm really exited about this raw food revolution and I definetely want to make at least some effort to try and contribute to it. It's better for our bodies and the environment, and promotes a veg diet which as I wrote about in a previous post about how it is crucial to ecological health.
The Best of Raw answers the question of "why not eat cooked food?" By cooking food it terminates the enzymes that promote health towards metabolic and digestive functions. Here I also found out the specifics to what exactly constitutes a food as raw. "Raw food" is:
a) uncooked - never heated above 42C/118F
b) unprocessed - as fresh (and wild) as possible
c) organic - no irradiation, preservatives, pesticides
Raw Food, Right Now! is an extremely helpful blog that contextualizes pretty much everything you need to know about Raw Food. I learned that people also turn to raw diets for health reasons and weight loss as well as the vegan and vegetarian aspect. It examines a plethora of issues including that going raw encompasses not just a food diet but everything you put into your body which of course includes beverages. Think of "raw beverages" as liquids that do not contain additives or extensive processes such as pop. In terms of alcohol, if any at all wine is usually preferred among raw foodies. The least desirable is hard liquor as it is distilled. I really learned alot about raw foodism from this blog including a new term:
Raw-ish: the act of eating something as raw as possible in a cooked food environment
To me this is a concept that also best describes the sentiment of striving towards a raw diet and lifestyle without necessarily being a strict vegan raw foodie. I have decided to make the effort so wish me luck! I got many ideas from the Oregon blog Big Raw Vegan which you should visit for more info and for a window into the dynamic menu and recipe options of raw foodism! One great idea is using lettuce leafs as a bread replacement which is way yummier and filling than it may appear. Already I have experienced the benefits of eating whole, raw foods and I haven't even come close to making it the majority of my diet. Delve in and discover fruits, vegetables, seeds and other edible items that you did not know existed!
What do you think about the raw-volution?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Taloola's: Not Just A Vegetarian's Paradise
Taloola's is an anomaly - it offers what no other cafe or venue does in Windsor! It's a whimsical escape: you are enveloped with a warm feeling as you creak on the weathered hard wood floors and take in the eclectic and enigmatic decor that literally covers every inch of the place. Then you are met with an oversized map of the world taking up most of the north wall, surrounded by artistic and mismatched chairs, cups and nickknacks. From the feminist art in the washrooms to the shelf of books and games, Taloola's participates in and celebrates in the Do-It-Yourself ethic and DIY subculture.
As I sit and read with a matcha beverage or have a tea and some good conversation with a friend, the afternoon sun shines through the West-facing window wall and creates a nice warm temperature. Cozy in the winter, airy in the summer and perfect for a spring or fall cafe retreat, Taloola's is a place that is an open space in multiple senses. As a vegetarian, feminist and supported of vintage and DIY culture, this place is a goldmine of welcomeness.
But it doesn't matter who you are, anyone can enjoy! Whether its over a soy late or the usual unexpected recipe for the soup of the day, sitting at Taloola's you are likely to realize that this cafe is to be taken advantage of as an all-seasons-must! The experience of eating, socializing, listening to music or studying there and meeting for tea are a few examples of how I enjoy loads of time there. Follow the trail with your bike and chill on the patio in the summertime or relax inside for a lowkey atmosphere. The small and friendly staff maintains excellent though casual service - remember to grab your own cutlery and napkins!
Special features include Tea Rituals on Tuesdays from 4-7pm and weekly indie-folk-music that makes for an enjoyable Saturday evening. Aswell as charity initiatives, various seasonal treats and activites keep the venue fresh. For example, right now there are DIY creations for sale - arts and crafty flowers decorate the cafe front while hand made mini windmills dance lazily in the breeze. Come utilize this venue you may not have known was available to you in Windsor. Come back again and again and again as most customers do!
Taloola Cafe 396 Devonshire Road
Olde Walkerville, Windsor
519 - 254 - 6652
Tues - Fri Open 7:30 - 10 pm
Sat - 8:30 - 11pm
Sun - 10 - 4pm